Big Ben

School of English

Hello & Welcome!

Hello and welcome to Big Ben School of English in Ampelokipi, Athens where we offer 3 age-divided  classrooms, Pre-Juniors, Juniors & Seniors as well as preparatory classes for all English language Certificates

Our Approach

Our school is designed to create and offer a child-centered, nurturing environment that helps to spark curiosity, encourage engage and inspire students towards a lifelong love of learning.

Our approach is to ignite a hunger for learning, to unlock creativity and explore the world we live in with respect joy and kindness and in so doing  encourage our students pursue excellence in everything they do.

The value of early familiarity with foreign languages has been proven to be beneficial to learning languages with greater ease and fluency in later years. Specific knowledge of the English language has become a necessity, not a luxury.

Personal attention to students; the quality of our work in combination with up to date methodologies, equipment and learning material; is what guarantees our success at Big Ben.

Our Classes

All our classes at Big Ben are made up of small groups, thus ensuring personal attention to each and every student. We also have a rich selection of books and cd’s in our lending library.

We use smart boards in every class and in so doing ensure efficient teaching methods and enhanced learning capabilities. Smart boards help us provide students with greater incentive to participate in lessons, leaving them to develop not only technological skills but personal ones to. Each student works from their own book and all communication in English classes will be in English so as to also improve on day to day english.

 All our rooms are air-conditioned and centrally heated so as to ensure the best conditions for a learning environment within a contemporary aesthetic which in itself provides a significant educational benefit to teaching.

Our Teachers

Our experienced teachers and staff can be distinguished for their educational expertise and ethos as well as their ability to connect and communicate with their students. At Big Ben we understand how important it is to keep a  stable and constant relationship between teachers, student and parents. Our small group classes allow for students and teachers to build strong and substantial relationships based on trust beginning from their first steps as pre-juniors through to successfully attaining their certificates as seniors.

Our Success Rate

Our continued high success rate can be attributed to our methodology, experienced staff, our systematic work style and small class groups at every level of learning languages. Our dedication to teaching, our educationally designed and equipped classrooms and our expert teachers aim at covering all loopholes. Mock exams, tests, quizzes, mid-term’ s and oral interviews prepare students for taking their finals.

We are proud of our continuous high success rate in University of Cambridge (FCE, CAE, CPE) and University of Michigan (ECCE, ECPE) certificate results.

Cultural Events, Seminars, Workshops, Activities

Every year Big Ben organizes a rich programme of cultural events, seminars and workshops not only for students (4 – 18 years of age), but also for parents so as to actively engage community, familial and personal spirit and development.  We believe in cultivating an engaging and open spirit of communication.

Our educational excursions, help children network together and with the world around them, helps develop their personalities, skills and language proficiency through recreation and experiences outside of the school room.

Keep in Touch!

We look forward to hearing from you!
Send us an email with all your queries.

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